Dream Bars

Found this random recipe on the internet for dream bars. The recipe is easy to whip up. Cooking the bottom crust first makes a nice texture. I added coconut, pecans, and chocolate chips. Any type of nuts, dried fruits, chips can be added.


bar crust

  • 1 stick unsalted butter (115g/4oz)
  • 100g/0.5c dark brown sugar
  • 115g/1c flour


  • 200g/1c dark brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1t vanilla
  • 2T flour
  • 1/2t baking powder
  • 90g/1c shredded dried coconut
  • 120g/1c chopped nuts (can toast)
  • chocolate chips


bar crust

  • preheat oven to 350F
  • in 8x8 glass square pan, line with parchment paper
  • in food processor, mix butter, dark sugar, flour until ressembles bread crumbs
  • press into baking pan
  • bake for 10m
  • let fully cool


  • whisk dark brown sugar, eggs until frothy
  • mix vanilla, flour, baking powder until combined
  • add coconut, chopped nuts, chocolate chips (can save some to sprinkle on top)
  • add to cooled crust
  • bake for 25-30m
  • let cool for 10m, slice bars into squares
  • allow to cool fully then remove from pan