Ice Cream Sandwiches

I want to try this recipe from Claire Saffitz on making ice cream sandwiches. I like the idea of making two thin brownies and slicing each into sandwiches. There was a cool trick to slice the ice cream carton with a knife to get chunks of ice cream. By using vanilla ice cream and mixing in things you can customize to your favorites. I like the idea of crushed oreos but may try some other things. The key seems to be freezing each layer then making sure its frozen solid when slicing.

video on youtube


  • neutral oil for pan
  • 4oz (113g) semisweet chocolates, coarsely chopped
  • 5T unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 2T neutral oil
  • 1/4c sugar (50g)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1t vanilla
  • 1/2c flour (65g)
  • 1t kosher salt
  • flaky sea salt for topping
  • 2 pints high quality ice cream, vanilla
  • 4oz (113g) oreo cookies, lightly crushed


  • preheat oven to 325F
  • melt chocolate in water back, put chocolate, oil, butter in glass above boiling water to melt chocolate
  • add foil to 8x8 metal pan, add oil to foil
  • mix eggs and sugar, vanilla whisk until foamy and pale
  • in bowl mix flour, salt
  • add chocolate mixture to bowl
  • spread half of brownie mixture to foiled pan, even with offset spatula
  • sprinkle to flaky sea salt to top, this will be the top
  • bake for 8-10m, until set, surface is matte, firm to touch
  • unmold by pulling out foil, remove brownie to cutting board
  • reuse foil and pan with second half of brownie batter, may add more oil
  • bake bottom for 8-10m
  • let cool, can flip over bottom to make consistent
  • remove ice cream from freezer
  • keep bottom and top brownie in freezer
  • mix in crushed oreos, stir until has smooth consistency
  • spread ice cream over bottom brownie, freeze for 45m
  • add top brownie to frozen
  • freeze in pan fully 1+ hours
  • trim edges, slice into desired bars
  • slice in half in 1 direction, in 4ths in other direction with sharp chefs knife
  • keep in freezer until ready to eat