Strawberry Shortcake

When strawberries are plentiful and good in the spring a strawberry shortcake with biscuits is really nice. Each biscuit is a good portion and even half a biscuit make a nice size. I read a tip online suggesting baking biscuit close together in a cast iron pan. The cast iron gives a nice crisp bottom and supposedly close together in the plan helps them rise more. I found using butter and adding sugar makes a sweeter and richer biscuit nice for a dessert. Sprinkling some turbana or thicker sugar on top adds a nice sweet crunch. THe recipe is nice since you can keep the parts unassembled and will last longer. We have a whipper so the whipped cream lasts for around a week in the cannister. I adapted the recipe from


  • 313g (2.5c) all purpose flour
  • 2T baking powder
  • 1t salt
  • 115g (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 1c + 2T cold buttermilk
  • 2T honey (or 1T sugar)
  • 1c whipping cream
  • 2-3T powdered sugar
  • 1t vanilla
  • 1 pint strawberries
  • 2T sugar



  • preheat oven to 425 F
  • whisk flour, baking powder, salt in a bowl
  • cube butter, press into flour until ressembles coarse pebbles
  • make a well, pour cold buttermilk into center and drizzle honey
  • with spoon fold carefully not to overmix until mixed
  • pour dough and crumbles onto work surface and press with floured hands until comes together and is 3/4 inches thick
  • fold one side to center and flatten until 3/4 inch thick, repeat again
  • cut into 2.75 or 3 inch rounds with a biscuit cutter
  • cut into 8-10 biscuits


  • place in a 10 inch cast iron
  • biscuits should be touching each other
  • brush tops with buttermilk
  • bake for 15-20m until tops are golden
  • can cover and store at room temperature or in fridge for up to 5 days


  • remove tops and slice strawberries, add 2T sugar and let sit, the juices should collect


  • whip the cream with powdered sugar until forms whipped cream, add vanilla
  • slice biscuit, add whipped cream and spoon strawberries on top