Sweet Potato Rolls

I really like the idea of pull apart rolls. The sweet potato adds really great flavor. Using the boiling water to mix with flour makes the dough really fluffy. I will be baking these rolls for thanksgiving this year.

video on youtube


  • sweet potato 8oz
  • 2T rosemary
  • 3 1/2c flour
  • 11T butter
  • 1/2c sour cream
  • 3 eggs (1 for wash, 2 for dough)
  • 2T sugar
  • 1.5t yeast
  • 1t salt


  • peel sweet potato, chop into 1 inch slices
  • in sauce pan cover sweet potato with water, cook for 15m until tender
  • chop rosemary finely
  • pour 1/2c boiling water over 1/2c flour in mixing bowl, stir with spatula
  • cook rosemary in 2T butter, fry until butter bubbles stop
  • add sweet potato to bowl after cools for a few min
  • scrape rosemary mixture
  • add sour cream, eggs, sugar, remaining 3c flour, yeast, salt
  • run stand mixer with dough hook starting low
  • mix for 5m until pulls away, add 1T until pulls away, may take 3-4T
  • add 6T of butter 1T one at a time
  • mix until non-sticky and soft
  • form into round tight dome, add to bowl, cover for 1h until 50% bigger, then put in fridge overnight
  • use cast iron or square pan
  • spread 1T butter to pan
  • press dough into square
  • divide into 16 pieces
  • roll into balls, add to pan
  • let rise 1h
  • brush with egg
  • bake 350, 20-25m, start to darken golden brown
  • glaze with 1T butter, can sprinkle with flaking salt
  • can pull apart or use offset spatula to separate