This is my first post. I decided to use jekyll to build my home page. The ability to create a static web page and quickly add content in markdown appeals to me. I hope to host the page in AWS using s3 and create a ci/cd pipeline either in AWS codebuild or travis. For now I am trying to get better at markdown using this cheatsheet. Mostly to start I am hoping to document how I design the home page and probably secondly describing how I modified the cheap monoprice mini select 3d printer. I also have lots of kitchen gadgets and random recipes projects such as sourdough and chocolate chip cookies. Hopefully I can try to post once a week. I always have trouble keeping up on projects especially when writing is involved.
On the home page my design skills are fairly weak. I have always been more of a backend and command line programmer. I am starting out with the default jekyll minima theme. For starts I just want to show a sidebar with a few categories to start like home page, 3d printing, and cooking projects. Once I create a test the page locally I will manually generate the static site and copy to my s3 hosted site in AWS.