There are some overnight steel cut oat recipes but seems like slow cookers on low should be 4-6 hours so overnight is too long. This recipe allow you to put oats in boiling water off heat and leave overnight. The next morning you just reheat for about 5-10 minutes. I like brown sugar and milk with some dried fruit and nuts for toppings. Some kind of fruit compote or apple sauce is also good. We had some old strawberries and sauted with some sugar and ginger. It made a nice topping along with some pecans.
- 1 cup oats
- pinch salt
- 1/2t cinnamon
- 1/2c milk optional
- toppings, brown sugar, nuts, dried fruit, any toppings
- add 4 cups of water, pinch, salt, cinnamon to heavy sauce pan
- bring 4 cups of water to boil
- add 1 cup steel cut oats
- cover and leave overnight
- in morning stir well, if water absorbed add 1/2 c milk or water
- heat for 5-10m
- serve to bowls and add toppings