I’m a fan on the What’s Eating Dan? youtube series. The yogurt episode has good recipes. When I have some extra cream substituting some in yogurt works well. Also usually I have some dried milk powder to add also. I like Anthonys brand milk powder. Now I have a sous vide wand but the yogurt maker is a nice gadget. I tried to thicken by using the cheese cloth and upside down jar but did not really work. Using ulta pasturized milk is really nice so you can just heat up to 120F and place directly in yogurt maker instead of heating the milk to 180 and having to wait for it cool down to 110. I sometimes use the previous batch of yogurt for 2 or 3 batches. Often I sparingly make yogurt so just use starter powder.
[yogourmet starter powder link]/(amazon.com/Gourmet-Freeze-Dried-Yogurt-Starter/dp/B001E0VA8G) 5 pack or 16 bulk
video on youtube
- half gallon of whole milk, Grass Fed, ultra pasterized
- 1/2c cream (if using probably want to remove 1/2c of whole milk)
- 1/4c milk powder
- (3g) 1 packet of yogurt starter powder, or 3-4T of yogurt from a previous batch must have the active enzymes
- discard 1/2c of milk if using cream
- add milk, cream, milk powder to sauce pan on low
- whisk in powder as heats
- when temperature reaches 110-120F remove from heat
- pour 1-2c into yogurt maker, whick in starter packet or yogurt from previous batch
- mix until combined
- add remainder of milk
- let sit in yogurt maker for 8-12h
- remove from yogurt maker
- chill in fridge for 4-6h
- can mix with a spoon to get a smooth consistency